I'm doing Christmas a little bit different this year. Well actually I've been doing Christmas quite different for the past couple of years. I just really feel that the magic of Christmas becomes more and more tarnished by greed and materialism each year and doing Christmas differently is my way of preserving the magic and true meaning of Christmas for my family and loved ones. A couple years ago I started making a special Christmas chili for my family. They loved it. It was a healthy, hearty meal perfect for the cold weather and a really nice (and not to mention cost-effective) way to share Christmas love without buying a gift doomed for a junk drawer. Lol.
This year, my tradition has expanded beyond Christmas chili. I've been really inspired by the Zero Waste Lifestyle and it is reflected in my gift giving. I've gone through a great deal of effort to give gifts that are handmade, locally sourced, and minimally packaged. This year's gifts include homemade jewelry, handmade woodwork, and "let me treat you to..." coupons. I want to give gifts that show my family and friends how much I love them and that can't be bought in stores. I think these gifts accomplish that. Now I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with buying gifts, but I do think we need to be a bit more thoughtful in the gifts we choose to give. We should ask questions like: What message does this toy/item send to my child? Will they truly enjoy this gift or am I getting this because it's a "hot" item this year? Could this gift contain toxic chemicals/materials that are harmful for the environment?" Ok, yeah maybe I'm a little out there with that last question, but we want to pass down a healthy and beautiful Earth to our children do we not?
I think Christmas is a beautiful holiday and I want it to stay that way. I don't want to get caught up in all the "Black Friday open at 6pm on Thanksgiving, beat down a complete stranger at Walmart for a toaster" foolishness. Soooo not about that life. Anyways it's almost time for Christmas breakfast! A bientot and Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Holidays! :)
This year, my tradition has expanded beyond Christmas chili. I've been really inspired by the Zero Waste Lifestyle and it is reflected in my gift giving. I've gone through a great deal of effort to give gifts that are handmade, locally sourced, and minimally packaged. This year's gifts include homemade jewelry, handmade woodwork, and "let me treat you to..." coupons. I want to give gifts that show my family and friends how much I love them and that can't be bought in stores. I think these gifts accomplish that. Now I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with buying gifts, but I do think we need to be a bit more thoughtful in the gifts we choose to give. We should ask questions like: What message does this toy/item send to my child? Will they truly enjoy this gift or am I getting this because it's a "hot" item this year? Could this gift contain toxic chemicals/materials that are harmful for the environment?" Ok, yeah maybe I'm a little out there with that last question, but we want to pass down a healthy and beautiful Earth to our children do we not?
I think Christmas is a beautiful holiday and I want it to stay that way. I don't want to get caught up in all the "Black Friday open at 6pm on Thanksgiving, beat down a complete stranger at Walmart for a toaster" foolishness. Soooo not about that life. Anyways it's almost time for Christmas breakfast! A bientot and Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and Happy Holidays! :)
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